112 Belmont Street
Toronto, ON M5R 1P8
Can-AccTech e-mail
discussion forum

Accountants, financial/tax/business advisors, controllers and other
financial executives:
Do you have questions, concerns, tips or solutions regarding your use of
JOIN a FREE e-mail list: "Can-AccTech" (Canada-Accounting
Technology), where more than 400 Canadian accountants, financial professionals
and accounting technology developers and resellers swap ideas, problems and
experiences via e-mail in an open exchange of views and comments.
Toronto-based computer consultant, Richard Morochove,
FCA, is the moderator of this unique forum, which he founded in 1995. The
cost of running the forum is underwritten by Morochove & Associates Inc. The Can-AccTech
discussion forum may lead to the development of further information sources and
assistance in technology matters specifically geared to the needs of accountants
and financial professionals.
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If you have difficulty subscribing or have questions about Can-AccTech,
please e-mail list owner Richard Morochove at owner-can-acctech@morochove.com.
Privacy Policy
Last updated:
July 17, 2006
